Out-of-home takes your messages off the personalized screens and moves it into the wider world. Some types of out-of-home advertising include billboards, on-car ads, airports, bus-stop shelters, mall kiosks, office elevators, gyms, doctors offices and others.
Digital out-of-home offers greater efficiency in launching your message, allowing you the ability to change creative messages on a dime. These real-world screens don’t fall prey to ad blockers and can’t be skipped by the viewer.
- Can be changed on a dime.
- Can’t be blocked with ad blockers
- Can’t be skipped
- Geo-fencing available
Thinking even bigger, you can then add in programmatic elements, like geo-fencing, tracking, retargeting and other personalization methods. With these abilities, you could personalize a message on a billboard, instantly retargeting a viewer who is walking by.
There are still advancements to be made with sensors in this realm, but there are already exciting tactics to take advantage of in this area.