Consumer behavior during COVID-19

“When times are good you should advertise.
When times are bad, you must advertise.”

Source: Advertising through a recession, Forbes Sept 2019

Advertising may seem like a risk in unsure times, but the truth is people are looking for ways to maintain normalcy in their lives, distract themselves from bad news and find ways to support local businesses.

Here are a few reasons why advertising at this time may be the best thing you could do.

Neilsen data suggests that media consumption rises nearly 60% when consumers were asked to stay at home during past crises.

This trend could be even stronger for teenagers. In Seattle, teen media consumption increased 104%.

Source: Nielsen explains how COVID-19 could impact media usage across the US

Consider messaging focused on bringing us together.

  • “Our doors may be closed but, our mission isn’t.”
  • “We’ll be ready and waiting for when you can travel again.”
  • “Most importantly we are providing ways to stay connected to each other”
  • “Let us take care of you while you take care of yourself”
  • “Because Love Conquers All”
  • “Show them your love is stronger than ever”
  • “Things are changing, but we’re still here for you”

Some tactics to consider:

Targeted display: Display ads are more powerful than ever. Stay top of mind with supportive, and positive messaging.

Connected TV: TV streaming services are on the rise. Be sure you are direclty connecting with your audience where they are consuming their media.

Keep in mind

Make sure your advertising mix reflects current changes in consumer behavior.

Audio: Similar to video, audio is another place users are looking for entertainment. They are streaming music and tuning into podcasts.

Social Media: More people are on social media while at home scanning for updates and staying connected. This is a time to be sensitive and a great opportunity for your brand to stand out.

In China, annual advertising is expected to grow 3.9%, advertising on Social Media is +22% and e-commerce +18%.

Source: Coronavirus will impact ad spend but could drive shift to utility, e-commerce and live-streaming

YouTube and Twitch: Users might be stuck inside, but they are still craving social interaction. They are connecting in new ways such as Virtual Happy Hours, concerts, and workouts are becoming the new normal.

Amazon: Advertise where your customers are shopping. Amazon’s audience data is now at your fingertips. Be it the movies they are streaming, books they are reading, music they are listening to, or stores they are supporting.

According to Pinterest, users are actively searching for solutions, planning for future moments, and are seeking positivity. Make sure your brand is there for those needs.

Advertising during economic slowdowns

A study on U.S. recessions, showed companies that maintained or increased advertising during the 1981-1982 recession benefited from sales growth during and after the recession.

Source: ocreative

Why should you keep advertising?

Companies that advertise will be able to:

  • Increase market share
  • Promote new services and products
  • Strengthen bond with customers

In China, only 7% of clients stopped spending completely because of the outbreak.

Source: Coronavirus will impact ad spend but could drive shift to utility, e-commerce and live-streaming

Contact us today for a personal consultation to discuss a strategy that’s right for you. We would be honored to work with you.
